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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More Peeps...

Hi everyone!  Do you like surprises?  Yesterday, I had 2 good ones.  First, my neighbor (a producer at a local t.v. station) emailed me to see if I would like to appear on the Fox 9 Sunday morning show.  Why, yes I would!  I will be doing a 4 minute segment on Peeps crafts!  If you live in the Minneapolis area I will be on Sunday morning at 9:15.
Later in the day, the Washington post contacted me to see if I would allow them to use my photograph on their blog... see it here...http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/arts-post/post/peeps-eat-them-craft-them--kill-them/2012/03/26/gIQA72fddS_blog.html  The Washington Post!  Blogging has taught me how small the world really is.  I have no idea how she found my photo... I am guessing pinterest... http://pinterest.com/jenni_swenson1/ 

I ran to the Peeps store today to pick up a bunch of Peeps for my appearance.  We have a Peeps store in the Mall of America if you can believe it.  The employees there were incredibly nice.  They even donated some Peeps for me to use for my projects!  (Thanks, guys!)  The store is full of all sorts of Peeps stuff.  Cute, colorful, squishiness everywhere!

Any ideas for my t.v. appearance Sunday?  I am going to share all of last week's projects and maybe a few new ones.  Have a great day!  xoxo  Jenni


  1. How exciting to have a PeeP store. Didn't even realize there was such a thing! Love the rainbow peeps! Your wreath is so yummy looking. AND I love the mugs.
    Glad I peeped in, xoRobin❤ Have a nice day : )

  2. Wow peeps is a store,I just thought it was easter candy,hahaha.To bad I can't visit it(you),to far on my bike;)
    Well enjoy all things they ask you for,that's a big compliment for you!
    Have a nice day.X Marielle

  3. So excited for you and your awesome great news, Jenni!!!! We are all so lucky you share your creativity with us ~ enjoy your time in the studio on Sunday!!! I'll be out of town but I'll be recording you for sure! :)

  4. Enjoyed the Post article and why yes that wreath was on Pintrest. I didn't know about the PEEPS store. I will have to pass this on to my Grandchildren as they looooooove peeps.
    Congratulations to you and your wonderful Monday!!

  5. Wow what a compliment to be contacted by both of them. I see what the wanted you to come. All of you peeps goodies are too cute! Thanks for sharing the peep show. Giggle giggle. I wish we had one of those stores here!!
