Thursday, January 17, 2013

snowman hat

It's snowman week... and I've got a really cute hat to share with you.  Do you like to wear hats?  I have friends (especially the fancy ones) who wouldn't be caught dead with a hat on their head.  I've always loved them... and now that I do playground duty, they are necessary.

The designer has the best fair isle patterns anywhere.  I wanted to use my ewe ewe yarn  I threw in some Spud and Chloe leftoevers too.  Both are squishy and soft... just wonderful to knit with.  

The snowman chart is delightful to work with.  I loved seeing them come to life.  Knitting is something that I have to do every day.  It just makes me happy.

It's finished... here it is on me...

and on Izzy!  


  1. I just adore the snowman hat! Maybe one of these days, I'll learn to do that. I'm still in the "beginner scarf mode"! I am really taken by all the gnomes that seem to be running around everywhere these days. Do you know where I can find buttons like those? Thanks for all the inspiration!
