Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Mittens

I hope you had a wonderful, peaceful weekend.  Our daughter is finally home from college which makes me so happy.  We've been busy bees at preschool... crafting all sorts of Christmas crafts.

Last week we read mitten books... my favorite is by Jan Brett.  I just happened to be knitting mittens so I brought them into preschool so the kids could take a look.  Handknit mittens are the 12th gift on my handmade gift list.

This pattern is written by Susan B. Anderson, one of my knitting idols.
It is so well written.  These knit up in a couple hours. 

I'm knitting a bunch for last minute Christmas presents.  The yarn is Liberty Wool my new fave.  This project is a gift to myself because I enjoy knitting it so much.  Are you crafting presents?  Or are you hitting the mall?  No matter what you are doing, take some time for yourself today!


  1. So happy your daughter is home! Y sn will be here in two days! Love our projects ... Hoping someday I can grow up to be a little like YOU!!!!!!!xoxoxoxox
