Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Doily snowflake hurricane

I love today's project because it can be left out after Christmas... it would be a darling hostess gift too.  It's number 13 on the handmade gift list.

I cut out a whole bunch of snow flakes out of doilies...

and modpodged them onto a plain glass vase from Target.

When it dried, I felt like it needed more, so I added some white punched snowflakes.

 When the project was dry, I added about a half container of rock salt to the bottom of the vase, added a candle and it was done!

The glow is so peaceful and pretty...

Remember the blizzard in a box?  The snowmen got mailed out to Texas... I dumped a package of fake snow on top of them which caused a biiiiiiig mess when it got to my niece and nephews!


  1. Run! Don't walk to find my doilies! Great idea.
    I bet the blizzard in a box was a blast for the little ones! Who cares if Mom had to get the vacuum out!

  2. Oh, you are an evil Auntie...hee! hee!
