Monday, April 29, 2013

Tissue paper May basket

Did you have a good weekend?  It's finally spring in Minnesota.  I even put some pansies and tulips in my pots!  After such a long winter, I appreciate this weather even more!
Do you remember celebrating May day when you were a kid?  My girls and I used to make May baskets for all their little friends.  Such a sweet celebration.  This year I am going to share a really cute May basket that you might make for a grown up friend.  A friend who appreciates your crafty amazingness.  Start out with a paint can... someone gave me a gift in this one and I'm reusing it.  You can get them at Michael's for a couple dollars.

I punch scalloped circles out of tissue paper and adhered them to the container with a little mod podge.  Glue would probably work too.  Wrap the tissue paper circle around the end of a pencil or paintbrush and stick it on.

It just looks like spring!

You could fill it with candy or maybe even some flowers.

Hang it on your friend's door and run!

Come back tomorrow for another may basket idea for the kids!


  1. Awww.. this is such a sweet idea for a May Day basket! Hope you stop by and share with my Pink Hippo Party @
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  2. What a lovely idea - I suppose you could use it with any sort of hanging jar? Love the idea of leaving it as a surprise! Jane x
