Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentine wreath

I'm home from California!  It was warm and wonderful.  I will share pictures soon.  I came home to frigid temps in Minnesota today!  I will be on Fox 9 Saturday morning at 7:45 a.m.  If you live in the twin cities area, I hope you will tune in!
I have been collecting vintage valentines for years.  I just can't resist those cute illustrations and punny sayings.  When I saw this project on my friend's blog, I knew I had to make one of my own...
I can't bear to cut up the original valentines, so I always copy mine onto cardstock and cut those out.

I added felt hearts, rhinestone flowers, white and red polka dot ribbon and cardstock hearts to mine.

Pictures honestly can't do this project justice... it is so adorable in person.

This wreath would be cute with current valentines too... or special cards you have saved through the years.  Do you want more valentine inspiration?  Check out my pinterest board here...
I'm also on instagram!  Have a great weekend!


  1. I love that, so pretty and brings back big memories for me, back in the day :) Found your link at Frugal Friday, thanks for sharing with us.


  2. Your wreath is terrifically cute! I love the polka dot hearts and ribbon.

  3. How cute! And good ideas for the children's valentines.
