Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A box of sunshine

I have a good friend going through some horrible things.  She needed a box of sunshine.  I originally got the idea at this amazing blog http://katherinemaries.com/  If you need a little eye candy, check her blog regularly.  She is a photographer, a homeschool teacher, and an amazing human being.
The first thing I put in the box was a pair of yummy yellow handknit mittens.  My wonderful friend Andrea spun this yarn as a present for me.  It is pure sunshine.  She even met the alpaca it came from.

I found a few little yellow things at Target to add to the box... yellow tissue paper is a must!

Last of all, I wrote her a note and added a little heart garland.  It's ready to be sent on it's way!


  1. You are so magical and always thinking of other. Mitten yarn is beautiful yellow colors.

  2. I have always been taken by Katherine Marie's "Box of Sunshine" package, too! Your friend will be smiling from ear to ear when she opens this box-o-fun...

  3. Thank-you so much! I love your blog and your Harlem shake vid was awesome! xoxo

  4. awwwww what a precious and priceless GIFT of thoughtfulness and love!!!!! what a blessed friend to have a goodie box like this. all that nice stuff you said about me--- BACK at YA!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
