Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello friends

Hello friends.  Are you starting a diet today?  Hitting the gym?  Organizing closets?  Hopefully I will be doing all those things.  Ha!  I am back at work today.  I am excited to see all those cute little faces.
Next week will be white week at vintage umbrella.  I just got into a crafting groove again this week.
I've been knitting like crazy.

 One of the projects I'm working on is a little hat and mitten garland done up in white and tan.  I'm usually a brights only kind of person, but I wanted to make something that I could put up with my white mantel in January.

Here is a little glimpse...

I kept the white yarn balls out when I put all my Christmas things away.  Scroll to the top if you would like to see the color version.  (The picture is my daughter Olivia, and my nephew Charlie)

Our family fondued twice this holiday season.  I have links to my 3 favorite recipes here...  Fabulous brie cheese fondue... I'e tried lots of cheese fondues and this is my favorite!
The picture below is my family during our first fondue night.   You can't see in this picture but my girls are wearing matching fair isle sweaters.  I've always loved them to match.  They do it just for me... when they are feeling nice.  


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family. I am still making mittens and I like the idea of white for January.

  2. EEEEEKKKKKKK!!!! I am so looking forward to your White Week series!

    So you know that your blog has basically single-handedly gotten me back into a craftin' mood? I about 3 days craftin' up different things for Christmas and my Etsy shop, and I really kept images of your crafty blog in my brain for motivation.

    Thank you for your inspiration- I look forward to your posts more than you will ever know...

  3. The knits are so pretty. I love all of the white. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Wednesday through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above
