Friday, January 11, 2013

doilies and paper dolls

Hi friends!  Do you know that around 750 of you read this blog every day?  I'm amazed and astonished by that... I don't know why, but it just makes me happy.  If you are on pinterest, you can follow me there too...  Always feel free to pin photographs from my blog.  
I grew up playing with paper dolls.  I have a foggy memory of my Grandma Elsie teaching me to cut them.    I would cut them out and color them to make families.  My girls loved to do it too.  Now, I'm cutting out paper dolls for my little preschoolers.  I love to do it while they watch.  The conversation usually goes like this... 
Me:  "Can you guess what I'm cutting out boys and girls?"
3 year olds: "An airplane?  A robot?  A giraffe?"
Me: "sigh..."
Of course, I stick with the easy stuff... boys and girls, hearts, snowmen, simple shapes.  They are thrilled with the results every time.
Fold your paper into 4 equal parts.  Fold it one more time, draw your design on half the paper.  Make sure you have a couple spots where your drawing touches the fold.

Unfold and smile at your craftiness!

I started making doily garlands today at preschool.  I used a package of small doilies.  I sandwiched a piece of yarn in between 2 doilies.  We added beads in between each doily... easy and cute!

Last week, I asked you to pray for a 14 year old girl named Carly.  Sadly, she passed away this week.    I hope you will pray for the Christenson family.  Her obituary is here...


  1. I am so happy with the response you have had. It has been a tough 2 days and your blog always puts a smile on my face.

    1. So sorry to hear you are having a rough time... I'm so glad I can bring you happiness. Hang in there!

  2. That is about all we had was paper dolls when I was growing up. We would cut them out of anything we could find and do a lot of pretending.

  3. woow....that is some cuties :)
    and do not miss THE



    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  4. Love the doily idea and paper dolls are always so much fun.If you have time there are some great paper doll groups out in blog land including swaps. Pop over to Roses on My Tabe and join in the fun, we sw 6 times a year.
    Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday! Marilou

  5. I am enchanted by your post!
    I love paper dolls and have made them for years,
    But I have never made doily garlands.I will have to try it and post about it!

  6. many many prayers for that family... and I agree with painted lady---- i'm enchanted by your post--- heck I'm enchanted with everything you do! I'm going to put these paper dolls on my for sure to do list! :)
