Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 12th, 2012

Today's handmade gift is made for a special friend.  Her birthday is today, and she decided since it was the 12th of December in 2012 that she should have a little party for herself.  I like people who have parties for themselves... why not?  I wanted to bring her something that represented the number 12 and I kept going back to an old shiny brite ornament box I had.  The lid was long gone but it had 12 little compartments that just begged to be filled.

Little chalkboard tags, chalk, a small cardboard banner... snowflakes and candy canes...

stamped images for tags, patterned papers...

pompoms and mini Christmas ornaments...

doilies, ribbon and bakers twine fill up the box.

I know the birthday girl and her daughter will think of all sorts of ways to use up the contents.

I topped it off with a Nutcracker tag and some candy, wrapped it in cellophane and it was ready to go.  


  1. Who wouldn't want to receive that fabulous gift! Great job : )

  2. A craft-a-palooza day awaits here rigfht in that box! Nice! Do you think you can find one with 14 slots for me? My birthday is Friday! Come on over to play some day, I'll throw you a Minnesota Christmas party sans Lutefisk!

  3. Oh, that is such a clever gift! Love it!
