Sunday, July 1, 2012

4th of July bag

Hello!  If you saw me on fox 9 yesterday, welcome!  If you scroll to the bottom near the comments section, you can subscribe to my blog by email.  Are you ready for your 4th of July celebration?  We will be with my side of the family... 20 of us!  
Today's project would be a great one to do with kids.  I got the ribbon and the stars for this project at an amazing local shop  D.B. and Company.  As a matter of fact, I get all the ribbon for my projects there.  It is a wonderful store with a great selection of ribbon.
Lay your ribbon and stars out on your canvas bag.  I got mine for a couple dollars at Hobby Lobby.

Now you are ready to start gluing.  You could sew it too... but gluing is much quicker!

That is it... cute and fun.  Propped up with the vintage horse my mom wanted to throw in the trash!  gasp!

Are you looking for more 4th of July ideas?  Check out my pinterest board here...