Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Vintage Valentines

I've been collecting vintage valentines for years.  Sometimes I buy them at antique stores, but most of them came from an estate sale.  I bought bags of them... someone was very sentimental and kept all of them.  Every year I color copy a bunch and make my own valentines with them.

This year I made some banners and mailed them out...

A few years ago, I made this big heart out of foam core and mod podged the valentines on top.

The colors and illustrations are right up my alley.

The punny sentiments are cute too!

1 comment:

  1. Jenni,
    I love this post about the vintage valentines, it brought back such great memories. Yesterday, hubby and I went to the antique stores and I found some old valentines. I had to snatch them up at 50% off, but I only bought the teacher ones (I had to limit myself somehow, lol). Thanks for getting me inspired to look for some.

    Kinder Princess
    Soul Wishes
