Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Father's day mod podge gift

I'm back with another father's day gift idea... a grilling spatula and marshmallow roasters!  Both of these are projects you can do with your kids.  All you will need is outdoor mod podge, a foam brush, some scrapbook paper and some letter stickers.
I bought these marshmallow roasters at Joann's... I think they were $3.  I took a strip of scrapbook paper and mod podged it around the handle.  So easy!

For the spatula, I added a strip of scrapbook paper and sticker letters spelling DAD.

The tag is an office tag that I added scrapbook paper and stickers to.  It's a simple, useful gift that dad will love!

1 comment:

  1. These look so cute! Any idea how the Mod Podge holds up in a sweaty hand? I just wondered if it would eventually soften up or not. This could be a good idea for hot dog skewers for the campfire. You could personalize them so everyone remembers whose is whose.

    Krissy @ HotCommodityHome.blogspot.com
