Saturday, February 2, 2013

Great big heart

Good morning!  I'm on fox 9 this morning at 7:45 a.m. (Watch the behind-the-scenes now at If you are here after seeing my appearance, welcome!  You can subscribe to emails with all my ideas by entering your email in the box at the top of the page.  You can also find me on pinterest here...
Today I'm going to share a great big heart with you.   I was stuck at home sick for a few days and worked on it.  I think it is just plain adorable.  I'm going to hang it in my preschool room.
I started with a big piece of foam core.  I cut it into the shape of a heart.

Next, I cut up a bunch of tissue paper into squares.  The squares don't have to be perfect, people!

Start gluing the tissue paper squares on by wrapping them around the bottom of a pen or pencil.  You know you did this when you were in elementary school!

 Keep going... this is going to take awhile.  This is a great kid project so put them to work!

Finished!  I just love it.  I modpodged tissue paper on the back so that looked finished too.   If you would like to see more valentine ideas, come back next week!


  1. Love it! Have fun on the show today.


  2. I showed up for Pink Saturday - I followed for the fun! Love your blog. Congrats on the TV appearance.

  3. Such a sweet heart! It is a terrific idea! enjoy your weekend! Thank you for sharing your talent here! HPS!

  4. You were so cute on the news!! You are pro!!

  5. Wow, that's great news!

    Please come and peek at my PINK.
    Your comment is always a joy to read.

  6. WOW! So it! I hope you stop by to link-
