Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February knitting

There has been lots of knitting going around at the Swenson house.  February is prime knitting time.  It's dark early, cold and snowy... perfect knitting weather.
First up is this feather and fan scarf made with 2 alternating balls of liberty wool.  It makes this gorgeous stripe pattern without needing a bunch of different colors.  I'm so close to being done.  This one is for me!

I've made piles of mittens since Christmas.  These two pairs are also made with Liberty wool.  I used Susan B. Anderson's pattern found here...  It's such a great, easy pattern. 

Last of all is this feather and fan blanket made out of Amy Butler's wool and cotton.  It is the squishiest, softest blanket.  I started it on vacation in July and then didn't really work on it again until this month.  It is so close to being done.  I can't wait to cover up with it.

Happy knitting friends!


  1. That blanket looks wonderful. Makes me really want to get my crochet project out again.

    1. I'm finishing it this very minute... Can't wait to use it for my Friday afternoon nap!!

  2. Beautiful colors in your blanket!! xo Heather

  3. Replies
    1. Is there such a thing?? Ha! I do love my knitting!
