Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Handmade bath salts

Welcome back... it's day 4 of the handmade gift series.  I've always wanted to try to make homemade bath salts and I discovered that it couldn't be easier.  I love taking baths.  Especially in the winter.  If I could knit in the bathtub, that would be just perfect!
To make the bath salts, you will need epsom salts, sea salt, soap coloring and a few drops of essential oils.  I got the coloring and the lavender essential oil at Michael's.  The salts were both at Target.  There are many recipes online, but I just poured the 2 containers together and stirred them up.

Next I stirred in the color and the scent.

I had a package of Mason jars already... they each held around 2 cups.  I modpodged some cute paper to the top of the jars.

I filled the jars with a small measuring cup.  I had some extras that I put in a baggie for myself.  (I actually tried them out and they worked great!)

I added a little polka dot bow and they are ready for gift giving!

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