Monday, August 13, 2012

A sad story... with a happy ending

Hello friends.
I have a story to tell today.  I hope you will read it, and pass it on to someone in your life who might need it.
Countless times in the past year, people have asked me for a house tour.  I just couldn't do it, because the truth was that we just couldn't afford our house anymore.  My husband lost his job in January after a couple really tough years.  After agonizing discussions, we decided to walk away from our house.  The happy part of this story is that we were able to move into my sister's townhouse, a place I love with all my heart.
Our old house was a wonderful home.  It was colorful and full of love and laughter.  I'm a terrible liar, and I couldn't stand living in it when we couldn't afford it anymore.  It is such a blessing to be in our new place and I'm having so much fun making it our home.
I have learned so much from this experience.  I can promise you that many people you come across are carrying a heavy load on their shoulders.  If this is you, and you need someone to talk to, email me.  I would love to be a blessing to you, like so many have been to me.  I can't thank my friends and family enough.  They have been so supportive during this time.  My parents... well, I just couldn't have gotten through it without them.  They worked tirelessly to help us during the move.  I think I got rid of 50% of my stuff.  I learned that it's just stuff.
Their have been lots of happy and sad tears this summer.  I feel happy.  My husband is starting to get work.  My girls are all settled in.  I walked out the door of my old house and shut the door on that part of my life.  I will be o.k.
During the next week, I will be showing you some of the projects I've done in our new house.  It's small but we are using every square inch... and it just couldn't be cuter, if I may say so myself.
I know this is God's plan for me... and I'm so glad I'm finally able to share it with you.


  1. It takes courage to share that, so thank you! I know there are a lot of people in your situation who will benefit from your positive words. And you're so right - it's just stuff. We tend to forget that. Thanks for reminding us :)

  2. Thank you so much for is important that we share the good and bad with each other, God doesn't challenge us to be quiet but to share and learn from our experiences and to then turn around and help someone else.
    You are a blessing to those around you I am sure.

  3. Hi Jenni,
    Thank you for your heartfelt true story. I wish you all the best in your new home and I know it will be a true home with all your love and special touches!!
    Our journeys are a challenge but they are our life and it is all in the way we choose to handle and deal with it.....I have learned that and it's not always easy! I commend you!!!!!

  4. Jenny, sorry, for my idiom, i am your italian follower (thanks Google) but i not speak english.
    Finora non ho mai lasciato un commento ai tuoi post che seguo quotidianamente, ma oggi, leggendo le tue vicissitudini recenti, non ho potuto farne a meno. Sono nello stesso tempo dispiaciuta e commossa per la vostra situazione, ma anche ammirata per il vostro coraggio e la vostra capacità di reagire, per il modo in cui avete affrontato questo periodo di avversità e ne state venendo fuori. Apprezzo anche che tu voglia attraverso la tua esperienza aiutare quanti stanno attraversando un momento negativo o difficile.
    E infine il modo in cui rispondi ai piani che Dio ha per noi, Egli te ne renderà merito!

  5. Jennie, I'm so glad you are in a new place and it is working out so well for you. There are tons of people in your situation and haven't been able to get out of it. You are so right about the stuff-that's all it is. It really is your family that makes up your home. Happy New House!

  6. So sorry to hear your news and how brave of you to share with us. I too wish you well on your new adventure. As someone who too has struggled with unemployed husbands it isn't easy but you are never alone. God bless.

  7. You are very strong and I am sure you will be a huge help to so many people going through similar situations. What a wonderful example of strength you are to your children.

  8. This has happened to a few people that I my BIL was layed off his job Jan 1st and being at the "age" we job. yet! It can happen to anyone!
    Going forward is the best plan!

  9. I looove you. You are so cute. I'm glad you feel ready to move on but Sophia Drive must be in deep mourning. xoxo

  10. Thank you for sharing your beautiful happy ending... Knowing that God has guided you into your new home must bring such peace.

  11. Colleen McConnell FowlerAugust 14, 2012 at 5:29 PM

    Much love to you. You are the Queen of making a house a Home. <3

  12. Jenni,
    Thank you so much for sharing this heart warming story. I know it made me feel good just knowing that not only are there other people out there that can benefit from your story, but you demonstrate that despite the beautiful blogs many create...not all is perfection behind the scenes. I look at so many blogs and I this person real? Is their house that neat, their craft room that perfect? The truth is, God has plans for you and who are we to deny his plans? I always turn to the bible, but also to a Mary Engelbreit quote: "Bloom Where Your Planted". I know you will bloom where ever God Plants You.
