Monday, June 25, 2012

Fourth of July tshirts

I did this project last year, but it was such a hit that I thought I would share it again.  When we get together with family over the 4th of July I always try to plan a couple projects.  Everyone brought a white tshirt to the lake and we painted them so we could all have matching shirts.
Start with a white shirt and some cardboard inside (so your paint doesn't seep through to the back).

Lay foam stars on top of the shirt...

Spritz tshirt paint on top... I bought these at Michael's.

Let it dry and you have a fun, patriotic shirt to wear.


  1. L-O-V-E this idea! I am a new follower. Can't wait to look around some more!


  2. L-O-V-E this idea! I am a new follower. Can't wait to look around some more!


  3. I've decided you need to be on Tori Spellings new craft show! You are a fountain of amazing and fun ideas that anyone can make and enjoy. Your lemonade post was inspired! Always such fun to see what's new here! Elizabeth

    1. wow... coming from you that is quite the endorsement! Love that you are checking in!

  4. What a creative brain you have,how do you come up with al this ideas!!Applaus Ilove it al!!

  5. I agree... Tori's craft show all the way. you'd win in a heartbeat!!!!!!
