Monday, April 30, 2012

Little May baskets!

Do you do May baskets with your kids every year?  We grew up doing them and I always loved it... we would fill up paper cups with popcorn and some pixie sticks and deliver them.  My kids always loved to do them too.  Today, I'm showing you 2 different versions of a May basket...

The first one I made with a mason jar holder from Wal Mart.  I spray painted it turquoise and added some cute paper to the jars...

I filled them both up with my caramel corn (the recipe is on the Old Dutch bag).  

I added a cute little tag to top it off!

This May basket is a little more traditional.  I used little ice cream cups that I have on hand for Hannah's graduation party.  Little dixie cups will work, or whatever you can come up with.
Punch a hole on each side...

put half of a pipe cleaner through the hole!

I punched out butterflies and added them too.

Oh my, cuteness!


  1. Yes, I do May baskets with my neighbor, I love the butterfly idea. Love your blog.

  2. How nice and jummie,that corn.
    We don't know this tradition in Holland.
    It's realy great!!
    Have a nice day,we are celebrating queensday.
    X Marielle

  3. I do remember May baskets. I absolutely love the butterfly ones. So cute. You are one creative girl!
