Sunday, March 25, 2012

Knitted Bunny and an art project!

I really love knitting toys.  I met Susan B. Anderson a few years ago and I was hooked.  This sweet little bunny is from her book Itty Bitty Toys.

My niece and nephew thought he was awfully cute...

Did you know I am a substitute teacher?  I always bring something I knit to show the kids.  This week I brought this little bunny and we did an art project to go with it!   My niece and nephew got to make some bunnies too...

Sophia loved this little bunny.  She played with it all night.  Creativity at it's finest!  Have a wonderful day!


  1. Jenni - thanks for sharing with me. your bunnies are fantastic! your paper bunnies and the kids are even better:) Great job!!!!

  2. LOVE the bunny...almost a sock bunny! is Mason and Sophia--and Izzy!! :))
