Saturday, February 4, 2012


This project is a great one to do with your kids.  One of my students made me one of these when I was a teacher.  Don't underestimate the power of a handmade valentine!  Start with a piece of cardboard, any size you want.  Cut out a heart.  I painted mine red... you don't have to do this as you will be covering it with tissue paper.

Start cutting out tissue paper squares.  You don't have to use valentine colors.  I've done it in rainbow colors and it was adorable.  

Use a pencil (eraser end) or a paintbrush end and start adding tissue paper to your heart.  You did this back in grade school, right?

You are done... deliver it to someone you LOVE...


  1. What an adorable idea. My boys would love to make these!

  2. they are messy but sooooo cute!
    (that comment works for the project or little boys)

  3. This is one great wreath! I love it. I hope you will link this up to my I Heart Projects Party if you haven't already.

  4. What a cute idea!! I've seen those little squares of tissue paper at Michaels, and wondered what to do with them. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  5. That brings back memories! WOW! I think I will have to get out the tissue paper :)

  6. Hi, Just wanted to stop by and say...Hellow! Just found your blog, through Happy's Lovely Blog, and think she did a Fabulous Job on Your Blog! I really want her to Revamp my Blah Blog
    one of these days when I get the Extra Cash"D
    Love all your tutorials, and will totally be back again to see what else you come up with!
    Smiles, Christine(

  7. Thank-you for all your comments everyone! I highly recommend Happy as a blog designer. I think she did a wonderful job and I've gotten a lot of traffic from her site. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Pinned this adorable tissue paper heart!

  9. Awesome!! I saw you on Tater Tots and Jello. Would you please be willing to share this fabulous post with my readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?
