Friday, November 11, 2011

hat and mittens ornament

Hello from Colorado!  My husband and I left Minnesota at 4:00a.m. this morning.  We drove all day... I watched 3 movies and knitted 2 hats in the back seat while he drove.  We will get to Phoenix tomorrow night!
Today is day 11 of 24 Days of Handmade Ornaments.  Have you made any yet?  Today's ornaments are a little hat and mitten set.
I chose purple and gold because they are the colors of my middle daughter's high school.  You can find this free pattern here...  They knit up really quick! 

To make the hat I cast on 36 on size 1 needles.  I knit stripes til the hat was as tall as the mittens and then started to decrease.  Wouldn't the mittens be a cute pin for hockey moms?  Speaking of which, I am one!

I bought those cute little bags from Heyyoyo's etsy shop.  aren't they cute?
Have a happy day everyone!


  1. Love these! Using them in the advent calendar, or as ornaments like you do here, is a great idea!

  2. My grandmother has been crocheting the hat and mittens for years everyone in our family has them
