Wednesday, September 28, 2011

newspaper pumpkins

I love the little mini pumpkins you can get at the grocery store.  So simple, but cute!

When I was mod podging my craft room pumpkin yesterday, I decided to cover one with newspaper and mod podge that too... it's addictive.  Newspaper works great because it is thin and pliable.  Just tear strips and smooth over the surface of your pumpkin.

I think it is pretty darn cute... expect to see some more of these.  The ribbon is an awesome thin silk from D.B. and Company.  I bought a bunch of Halloween colored ribbons there.  Love their selection.

Let me know if you try it!


  1. These are so cute! I was thinking the color cartoon page would be cute, too maybe. And that skeletal bride and groom statue is adorable! was that a garage sale find?

  2. Thanks! The skeletons are at Yankee Candle every year... they always come out with new ones. I actually bought it full price!

  3. *Gasp* Full price?? LOL! Love the modged newspaper pumpkin! I have Dollar tree pumpkins I may try this on. Thanks for stopping by for a visit and leaving a comment. I am now a follower!

  4. How very cool is this couple....and the newspaper is a great look.
