Thursday, August 25, 2011


My husband, my youngest daughter and I just got back from a wonderful week in Phoenix.  My husband has worked at the airport there for 6 years.  We've had the opportunity to get to know so many people and places while we've been there.  Here's my top 10 from this trip...

1. The cutest little candy store ever... they have candy,

 adorable party supplies, and all sorts of cute stuff.

2.  vintage clothing stores... love them!

 3.  antique stores... they are everywhere... I saw this mushroom canister set at a store, and later that day at a Goodwill.  Didn't buy either... too hard to get back to Minnesota!

 4. cupcakes from Sprinkles... I had the orange one, because of the cute flower on top.  It was soooo good.

5.  pizza from Grimaldi's

6.  Vera Bradley store at the Biltmore Fashion Square

7.  The amazing Sanctuary Spa and Resort... we were lucky enough to have a friend stay there and invite us to the pool.

8.  Cactus... they look so cute and cuddly but they are awfully prickly.

9.  La Grande Orange ... such an amazing grocery/gift shop and delicious food.  Their corn pizza was to die for!

10.  Our little condo... we will miss it lots!

Have a great day!  xoxo  Jenni


  1. I've been oogling the cute drinking straws all over blogs for a while...have you seen anywhere in MN that sells them?

  2. I just saw them at Capers in Excelsior. You can also get them on etsy. Aren't they cute?

  3. Couple can find amazing things ANYwhere and what's the dark thing on the pizza? Just wonderin' :)

  4. It looks like an anchovie but i think it is a basil leaf! Ha! Finding amazing things causes me all sorts of problems! xoxo
