Friday, August 19, 2011

The Macy's Elf Contest...

Macy's is doing a promotion right now ... it's called the Macy's Elf Adventure.  The elves are at each store, you pick them up by giving a secret code.  You can check out the details on facebook.

I went home and immediately knit mine a hat and scarf.  (and I wonder why I never get any housework done around here).

Next she got some yellow yarn braids.

Her outfit is modpodged fabric scraps.

I drew her eyes on with a black sharpie.  Her cheeks are pink felt.

For her legs I cut apart a sock.  Last of all I added some fake snow to the base.  I find out if I make the top 85 on August 25.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

If you win, your elf becomes a hot air balloon in the Macy's parade. And you win a trip to New York City...


  1. What an awesome contest!!! How fun! Good luck - she's adorable!

  2. Jenni - she is so cute! Good luck!!!

  3. I will Vote for you. She is gorgeous!
    you are very talented....good luck

  4. Thanks everyone for your good luck wishes, my elf didn't make the top 85... so sad!

  5. NOoooooooo..I don't beleive it!
    Maybe it didn't make it in. I had a lot of problems submiting mine. Code invalid, not well centered, blurry. I did noticed that most were painted and male. I still think yours was gorgeous and you are very talented

  6. Could you please vote for mine?! ELF 01 - . Sorry yours didn't make it. :(
