Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Children's Art

Do you have any little children who bring home backpacks full of art?  My girls are all teenagers now but we used to have art projects all over the house.  Today and tomorrow I am going to show you a few cute things you can do with all those projects.

This is a book I made in a book binding class.  I used a photocopy of my daughter's painting for the cover and the back.  Inside are color copies of art projects, shrunk to fit in the book...

I could just cry looking at these... only 9 years ago they were such little girls.  You wouldn't have to make your own book of course.

On these two scrapbook pages I used their art as an accent.  I don't know anything that is more meaningful than your child's art or handwriting in those early years.  Can you tell I'm nostalgic?  There has been lots of eye rolling around these parts lately!  Come back tomorrow and see some more ideas.
p.s.  I have now had over 5000 views since June.  Thanks for visiting!!!

1 comment:

  1. NOW you tell me!! ;)))) I'm pretty sure I have a big bin downstairs of the girls artwork....it is precious and looking at that kind of stuff makes me VERY nostalgic...like can't even DO it half the time! This is a really great idea :)
