Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Birthday Party

Last night was the big 40th party.  I did a bunch of flower arrangements from my garden.  My little trick for big bucket arrangements like this is to put florist foam in the bottom of the buckets.  

I love this big candyland bucket.  I bought it years ago when I was with my friend Colleen.  It looks great with flowers in it,  but I use it for beverages and storage too.

Look at these cupcakes!  Kay made them.  I bought the watermelon umbrellas at Joann's.  The little black and white balls are from Hobby Lobby.  

The candy bar was so cute... we used a candyland board to set some of the jars on.
That is it for pictures.  We were having so much fun at the party that I didn't take time to take photos.  It was such a wonderful night.  So many fun people... couldn't have been better.  And the food, oh my.  Ribs, potstickers, artichoke dip... Kay should be a caterer!  Have a wonderful Saturday.  I am still in my nightie and it is almost noon.  I feel a celebrity rehab marathon coming on.  If those people had crafts in their lives they wouldn't need the booze and drugs!  Ha!  


  1. Colleen McConnell FowlerAugust 6, 2011 at 11:19 AM

    Adorbs!! So much cuteness, I don't know where to start.... I still have my Candyland bucket, too...filled with magazines (if only I had that few magazines!). I recognize the cute floral tablecloth, too. :) And I agree about the need for a creative "fix"! I just drove across town for one and it was fabulous!!

  2. If you lived closer I'd have a party for you too! Remember those cute rooster glasses I got at that sale? And red and white striped terramoto mugs...
    How is Blaine's show doing?

  3. Please find Woody a restaurant manager job up there!!! (or ANY job, not picky). I need to live much closer to you!! ;))))) I'm KNITTING!!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Kay!!
    It's about time you turned 40!!

  5. Ty turns forty tomorrow... I think it's a little late for me to pull something like that together... Dang. Jealous.

  6. So glad to see pictures since we missed the festivities. Everyone has been raving about the party!
