Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

If I have an hour to spare I love to go to antique stores.  Not as thrifty as Goodwill, but so much fun!

Doesn't this make you think of Easter dinner?

Salt and pepper shakers are a staple at any antique store.  I never got into them... but they are cute.
Now we are talking... I could look at old children's books and toys for hours.

Even better... old game pieces.  I found some darling turquoise letters.  Here is how I put them to use...

Which one do you like best?  Last of all my favorite find of the day, a child's vintage umbrella!


  1. Colleen McConnell FowlerJuly 14, 2011 at 6:09 AM

    LOVE the umbrella!! What a cute find! The handle is too cute. My favorite is the "Vintage Umbrella" with this children's looks great as your new heading! :)

  2. How DO you find all these super cute things all the time?

  3. I love that 2 of my favorite friends who moved away can see what I'm up to every day! Thank-you so much for commenting. Andrea... you know I sift through a lot of junk to find the cute stuff!

  4. I'm pretty sure your thrifty stores and our's here are two different things! I like the one with the vintage cute!

  5. You mean THREE of your favorite friends...
