Monday, July 18, 2011

spaghetti for lunch

Our family loves soccer!  Of course we planned to watch the women's world cup yesterday.  We had even invited friends over to watch it with us and have lunch.  I overslept... and had 2 hours til the company came.  I decided to make an old favorite... spaghetti.
This is one of the first things I learned to make when I got married.  It is so easy...

Jenni's Spaghetti recipe:
3 cans crushed tomatoes
shhhhh.... one jar ragu
1 can tomato paste
1 tbs sugar
i cup water
one onion, chopped and cooked til soft.
4 cloves garlic
Whatever herbs you like... I add lots of fresh
basil and parsley.

I don't add meat, I just buy a bag of Italian Meatballs and bake them.  It is soooo good and gets rave reviews every time.  While the spaghetti cooked I had some work to do to get ready for company.
Apron on, check...  (notice it is inside out)
party shoes on, check!
Set the table...
frost the cupcakes....
and we are ready for company!


  1. Colleen McConnell FowlerJuly 18, 2011 at 5:06 PM

    So is the apron on inside out to protect the cuteness from spaghetti sauce....or is that a result of oversleeping? ;) PS I heart aprons!

  2. The apron is on inside out only because I was in a rush! Ha! Jenni
    p.s. I have my eye out for robots at every antique store i visit now!

  3. And who doesn't LOVE spaghetti??!! That's VERY similar to my spaghetti, but I use brown sugar and between 1 and 2 TBSPs. And we have a GREAT restaurant on The Hill here called Zia's and they sell their sauce in the grocery stores here now....So I add that to 'my sauce' sometimes....and I love the meatballs instead of meat in the sauce, too, Jenni!! :)
